How Long Does it Take to Cash Out Life Insurance Policy?


Life Insurance Policy-Amidst life’s unpredictable currents, there arise occasions when an express route to securing financial stability becomes imperative.

Life’s uncertainties make life insurance an indispensable safety mesh, extending financial shelter to our dear ones in our absence.

Nonetheless, circumstances may arise when tapping into the resources of your life insurance policy becomes requisite before its designated tenure.

Grasping the timeline of liquidating a life insurance policy is paramount in fulfilling your monetary requisites.

This all-encompassing piece intends to navigate you through this procedure, deciphering the complexities and illuminating the variables that sway the duration involved.

As you conclude reading this composition, you’ll garner profound insights into life insurance policies that accrue cash value, fathom the prime junctures for encasement during your lifetime, and delve into alternative fiscal remedies for times of adversity.

Cash value of a Life Insurance policy?

In the contemporary landscape of our world and its intricate economy, the challenge of meeting fundamental needs is increasingly formidable.

Individuals frequently find themselves in a rush to procure funds for their day-to-day expenditures.

Interestingly, most life insurance policies encompass a cash value facet, presenting an avenue for accessing cash through borrowing.

Nevertheless, alongside this opportunity lies a set of downsides connected to employing the cash value aspect of a life insurance policy.

These disadvantages extend beyond mere monetary considerations and could impact the overarching ambitions of your family.

Nevertheless, it’s essential to recognize that cash value insurance can be vital when swift access to funds is imperative.

How can you access cash?

Gaining access to the funds is a relatively straightforward process. Cash-value life insurance policies, such as whole life and universal life insurance, amass reserves through surplus premiums and earnings.

However, this option is only available if you possess a Whole Life or Universal Life insurance policy.

Various methods exist for tapping into the cash value. Presented below are five approaches to extracting funds from a life insurance policy.

Partial withdrawal

If you’ve been diligently paying premiums for several years and have built up a substantial cash value, you can initiate a partial withdrawal from your cash value life insurance. Suppose your cash value amounts to $50,000 and requires $25,000.

In that case, you can request a withdrawal from your insurance provider, receiving a check for $25,000 while keeping the policy active.

Acknowledging that this partial withdrawal would lead to a diminished death benefit of $175,000 instead of the original face value of $200,000 is crucial.

Moreover, tax implications might be tied to the withdrawn sum, warranting consultation with a tax professional.

Policy loan

Another avenue is taking a loan against your life insurance policy. The borrowed sum generally remains tax-exempt, but you must make interest payments akin to a loan from an external lender.

Unlike conventional loans, you are not under obligation to repay the loan amount. Nevertheless, interest payments must be met, or they will be deducted from the remaining cash value.

If the cash value is entirely depleted, the insurance company could terminate the policy due to non-payment.

Upon complete repayment of the loan, beneficiaries will receive the death benefit upon the policyholder’s passing.

Otherwise, the outstanding loan balance and interest will be subtracted from the death benefit.

Surrendering the policy

When you’ve held a permanent life insurance policy for an extended period and no longer require coverage, you can surrender the policy to the insurance company.

It entails receiving the cash surrender value in exchange for relinquishing the policy. However, submitting the policy implies forfeiting life insurance coverage, and your beneficiaries won’t receive a death benefit upon your demise.

Being mindful of any surrender charges and potential tax obligations linked to cashing out the policy is pivotal.

Leveraging living benefits

Specific permanent life insurance policies allow for cashing out before death, subject to particular circumstances. These scenarios might encompass the following:

  • Terminal illness: If a policyholder receives a terminal illness diagnosis with a life expectancy of less than 12 months, they can cash in their life insurance policy. The proceeds can be allocated to living expenses and healthcare costs.
  • Long-term care: Policyholders needing prolonged healthcare can cash out their life insurance policy to alleviate associated expenses.
  • Chronic illness: When an individual can still reside at home but faces difficulties with daily activities like bathing, eating, or dressing, they could qualify to cash out their permanent life policy to cover care expenses.

Should policyholders be uncertain about these “living benefits” in their policy, contacting their insurance company for clarification is recommended.

Even if the policy doesn’t comprehensively cover long-term care expenditures, it can offer valuable support.

Note: If a policyholder is eligible for Medicaid assistance, delaying cashing in life insurance benefits is advisable until a clear understanding of Medicaid’s impact on potential benefits is gained.

Applying cash value to premium payments

A short-term solution could be accessible if premium payments become burdensome. If ample cash value has accrued within the policy, policyholders can request the insurer to employ that cash to cover premiums.

For instance, if someone loses their job and seeks to ensure premium payments until new employment is secured, utilizing the accumulated cash can help sustain the policy and alleviate concerns.

Note: Once the cash value is exhausted, policyholders must resume premium payments, as neglecting to do so might prompt the insurer to cancel the life insurance policy.

Can I withdraw money from my Life Insurance?

The option is available. Withdrawing funds from your life insurance policy is a viable course of action. It, however, hinges on the presence of a cash value dimension within your policy structure.

A substantial number of enduring policies include a cash value element, which can serve as a valuable lifeline during times of necessity.

Nevertheless, it’s a prudent step to scrutinize the policy’s stipulations before acquisition, ensuring it encompasses the requisite components.

Life insurance policies featuring a cash value accumulation mandate to furnish an annual update on the accumulated cash by the conclusion of each of the initial twenty policy years.

Should the funds have amassed sufficiently, you can initiate a cash withdrawal or secure a loan against the policy.

You should engage with your insurance provider to determine the precise timeline for accessing these funds.

Continually evaluate the terms and provisions associated with your specific policy to make informed decisions about accessing funds.

Examining the Potential Benefits and Drawbacks of Cashing Out Life Insurance

Evaluating the merits and demerits of withdrawing funds from your life insurance policy can aid in determining whether it aligns with your best interests.

Advantages of liquidating a life insurance policy:


Unlike conventional loans, policy loans typically don’t necessitate a loan application or credit assessment. The collateral for such loans is the cash value in your policy, simplifying the process.

Repayment can occur at your preferred pace, with the payments replenishing your policy.

Favorable interest rates

Cash value loans offer more advantageous interest rates in comparison to rates associated with credit cards and personal loans. Generally spanning from 5% to 8%, these rates present a favorable option against alternative borrowing avenues. While opting for a complete withdrawal sidesteps interest payments, it concurrently depletes your cash value, requiring time to restore.

Credit impact exemption

Unlike mortgages or personal loans, taking out a life insurance loan won’t leave an imprint on your credit score. Eligibility hinges on the cash value within your policy rather than your creditworthiness.

Disadvantages of cashing in on a life insurance policy


Diminished death benefit

Withdrawing funds reduces both the cash value and the death benefit of your policy. Unsettled loan amounts are similarly subtracted from the death benefit.

Restricted fund access

The ability to tap into your whole-life policy for funds depends on the accumulated cash value over time, which varies based on the insurer.

If a need arises shortly after obtaining the procedure, you might require a higher accumulated value for borrowing or withdrawal. The borrowing limit can also fluctuate according to the insurance company’s policies.

Risk of policy lapse

While repaying a policy loan, you must cover the interest on the borrowed sum. If a substantial amount is borrowed, and the accrued interest surpasses your cash balance, your policy might lapse, leading to its termination by the insurer.

Consequently, the pending loan balance could be deemed taxable income, resulting in a potentially significant tax obligation.

Considering your financial objectives and prevailing circumstances, meticulously contemplating these advantages and disadvantages is crucial before deciding to cash out your life insurance.

Seeking advice from a financial advisor can furnish tailored guidance suited to your specific scenario.

How can you cash out your policy?

Cashing out your life insurance while you’re still alive is indeed possible. However, the initial step involves confirming the presence of a cash accumulation feature in your policy.

You can verify this information by consulting your policy agreement or contacting your insurance provider if any uncertainties persist.

Cash value policies typically do not accumulate substantial funds due to deductions for commissions and fees during the initial years.

It leads us to the subsequent step: assessing the amount in your cash-value account and determining if it’s sufficient for withdrawal. You must inquire about the prevailing interest rate if you’re considering a loan.

The subsequent decision revolves around choosing between a cash withdrawal or a loan. This decision carries significance, given that loans and withdrawals have varying impacts on your policy, requiring a degree of research to ascertain the option aligning best with your requirements and policy terms.

Experts frequently suggest that withdrawals should ideally be made within the scope of the accumulated cash value that falls within the premium payments. This sum might be treated as income and subject to taxation.

When contemplating a loan, understanding the associated interest rate is crucial, and this should be weighed against other potential financial avenues.

Engaging with an insurance agent becomes imperative at this stage to discern the ensuing steps for either withdrawing or securing a loan and ascertain the charges involved in accessing your funds.

Following this, you await the disbursement of your funds. The arrival of your funds would mirror your premium payment process, either through a check or automatic debit.

By navigating these steps diligently, you can make informed choices about accessing your life insurance policy funds that align with your financial needs and goals.

How long does it take to cash out my life insurance policy?

Typically, the procedure for processing your funds can transpire within the span of 7 to 10 business days.

However, it’s within the discretion of your insurance company to extend the payment timeline for as long as six months.

Companies generally tend to operate within a more reasonable timeframe. Suppose you have not received any communication from your insurance company or policy provider after ten working days.

In that case, initiating contact and requesting a follow-up on your request is recommended.

Variables Impacting the Duration of Life Insurance Payouts

Several factors influence the timeline for disbursing life insurance funds after the demise of a policyholder. Here are several key considerations:

Policy Documentation

The accuracy and completeness of the documentation provided by beneficiaries can significantly affect the duration of processing life insurance claims. To prevent potential delays, ensuring that all requisite documents, including the death certificate, policy particulars, and beneficiary details, are submitted promptly and meticulously is paramount.

Insurance Company Processing Time

Insurance companies adhere to distinct processing schedules for life insurance claims. Certain entities may boast streamlined and efficient processes, leading to more expeditious reviews and payouts. Familiarizing oneself with the specific timeframe linked to the insurance company holding the policy is crucial for establishing realistic expectations.

Policy Type

The type of life insurance policy in question can also impact the payout timeline. For instance, claims processes for term life insurance policies are often simpler, potentially resulting in swifter processing.

Conversely, permanent life insurance policies involve more intricate computations and evaluations, which could lead to extended processing duration.

Policy Amount and Complexity

The timeline for payout can be influenced by the amount and intricacy of the life insurance policy. More substantial policy sums necessitate heightened scrutiny and validation, which can extend the processing period.

Similarly, policies encompassing intricate attributes, such as investment-linked policies, might mandate extra time to evaluate and calculate payouts.

Understanding these variables is pivotal when approximating the timeline for receiving life insurance funds.

Both policyholders and beneficiaries should be well-versed in the specific prerequisites and procedures.

Seeking counsel from an insurance company or a financial advisor can enhance their ability to navigate the process more effectively.

Is it better to cash out your life insurance policy than to take out a loan?

Determining whether to liquidate your life insurance hinges on your financial situation and the intended utilization of the funds. If you possess multiple life insurance policies, opting to cash out one negatively impacts your overall coverage.

Conversely, if you’re mulling over the transition to a more cost-effective approach, cashing out your current range can enable you to recover a portion of the premiums disbursed.

Electing to take a loan or withdraw cash can be a feasible solution when the need for funds arises, and you seek to sidestep the conventional path of loans or credit lines.

However, evaluating the potential repercussions of the policy’s death benefit is paramount.

If your dependents rely on this benefit to cover end-of-life expenses, unsettled debts, or everyday expenses, depleting the policy’s value might not be in your best interest.

Before proceeding with cashing out of your life insurance, reflect on the ensuing inquiries:

Is retaining this coverage still a necessity for me?

  • Would I replace this policy with a new one upon selling or surrendering it?
  • What is the magnitude of cash value I aim to withdraw or require?
  • Is there a potential for encountering tax implications on the withdrawn amount?

Hence, the crux of the matter lies in making an informed decision about the necessity of funds.

The cash value facet of a life insurance policy should not be exploited, as it undermines the core purpose of permanent life insurance—facilitating your family’s financial security upon your passing.

The value of the entire policy will diminish if your beneficiaries do not receive a substantial death benefit.

Furthermore, if you opt for withdrawal or a loan against your policy, these amounts would be subtracted from the ultimate payout.

Therefore, prudent decision-making is advised, and consulting an insurance agent can offer invaluable insights tailored to your circumstances.

Guidelines for streaming life insurance payouts

While the timeline for receiving life insurance proceeds hinges on the insurance company’s processing period and the claim’s intricacy, beneficiaries can adopt specific strategies to accelerate the payout process.

Prompt Document Submission

Ensuring the swift and accurate submission of all essential documents to the insurance company, including death certificates and policy particulars, is imperative. Any delays in furnishing the required paperwork could inadvertently extend the processing timeline.

Consistent Communication

Regularly maintaining contact with the insurance company proves beneficial. Frequent inquiries about the status of your claim and confirming the receipt and processing of essential information can contribute to expediting the process.

Professional Support

In cases where the claims procedure appears unfamiliar or obstacles arise, seeking assistance from a qualified expert, like an attorney or financial advisor, can streamline the navigation of the process.

Patience and Realism

Although the waiting period for life insurance payouts can be trying, comprehending the insurance company’s protocols and time frames is essential. Delays can stem from diverse factors, and managing your expectations is integral.

These strategies can facilitate a smoother and swifter life insurance payout experience, offering beneficiaries a more efficient resolution during a challenging time.

Reasons for delays in denials and acceptance in the process of life insurance claims

Submitting a valid claim for death benefits generally unfolds smoothly when supported by appropriate documentation.

Nevertheless, certain elements can introduce delays or, in rare instances, lead to denials of claims. These elements encompass the following aspects:

Circumstances Surrounding the Insured’s Passing

Should the policyholder’s demise transpire during an activity not confined by their policy’s coverage, such as engaging in bungee jumping, the dispensation of the death benefit could be withheld.

Incidents of Insurance Fraud

Insurers meticulously investigate claims to unearth potential instances of fraud. If the policyholder provided misleading information on their insurance application or their death is shrouded in suspicious circumstances, the payout might be curtailed or declined altogether.

Document or Policy Absence

Typically, possessing a copy of the deceased’s policy and requisite documents is essential to initiate a claim. If these materials are not readily accessible or can’t be located, the claims procedure could be protracted.

Policy Expiry

Should the policyholder discontinue premium payments, allowing the policy to lapse, the death benefit will not be conferred, given the coverage’s nullification.

Demise During the Contestability Period

In the initial two years of a policy’s inception, a death may be contestable, prompting insurers to scrutinize the insurance application for potential fraudulent representations.

Although this scrutiny might lead to a temporary delay in the payout, the complete death benefit will be granted if the departed provides accurate information.

By acknowledging and understanding these potential impediments, beneficiaries can be better equipped to navigate the claims process effectively and ensure a smoother and more efficient resolution in obtaining the rightful death benefits.

How do I file an insurance claim?

When submitting a life insurance claim on behalf of the deceased, adhere to these steps, which are usually executable via the insurer’s website or direct contact:

Initiate Contact with the Insurer

Initiate the claims procedure by contacting the insurance company through their website or direct communication.

Compile Essential Particulars

Ensure you’re equipped to furnish the subsequent details regarding the deceased policyholder:

  • Full Legal Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Policy Number
  • Cause of Demise

Supplementary Information

The insurer might require additional relevant information about the claim, encompassing elements like funeral expenses or any supplementary documents they consider requisite.

Assemble Requisite Documentation


Death Claim Form

Acquire the suitable form from the insurer, accurately complete it, and ensure all pertinent sections are appropriately filled out.

Copy of the Insurance Policy

Include a copy of the life insurance policy to corroborate the claim.

Official Death Certificate

Procure an authorized death certificate from the pertinent authorities as verifiable evidence of the policyholder’s passing.

Verification of Demise

Present an official obituary or alternative document validating the policyholder’s demise.


Enclose a valid driver’s license or a government-issued identification to establish your identity as the claimant.

Submission of the Claim

Forward the duly completed death claim form and all accompanying documentation to the insurer per their specified submission protocol.

It could involve online submission, postal dispatch, or other designated transmission modes.

By following these steps meticulously, claimants can ensure a well-organized and efficient process for filing a life insurance claim on behalf of the deceased.

How is life insurance paid out?

Beneficiaries who obtain life insurance proceeds face lump sum or installment payments. The subsequent alternatives are accessible for those inclined towards installment disbursements.

Single Sum Payout

The prevailing and commonly adopted approach involves receiving the complete benefit sum as a solitary payment exempt from taxes. It grants beneficiaries the ability to address immediate financial obligations stemming from the policyholder’s demise.

Structured Installment Payout

In scenarios where an immediate influx of funds isn’t an immediate necessity, beneficiaries can elect structured installment payments via an annuity.

An annuity policy facilitates receiving the death benefit in predetermined installments over a designated time frame. The unused funds are strategically invested, accumulating interest at a predetermined rate.

Notably, any interest derived from the annuity is subject to taxation, while the core claim retains its tax-exempt status.

Retained Asset Arrangement

Through a retained asset account, the insurance provider has the funds in a statement that accrues interest. Beneficiaries maintain the flexibility to withdraw funds from this account using checks based on their requirements.

It’s prudent to acknowledge that any interest accrued on this account becomes liable to taxation.

When beneficiaries face payout options, meticulous consideration of their financial objectives and circumstances is paramount. By aligning their decision with these factors, beneficiaries can ascertain the most suitable payout mode to meet their needs and aspirations.

Alternatives to cashing out life insurance

Should you lean towards cashing out your life insurance policy, exploring these alternatives can furnish the funds you require while safeguarding your coverage from jeopardy.

Personal Loan

Based on your creditworthiness, you might be eligible for a personal loan featuring a competitive interest rate, presenting a viable avenue for attaining the necessary cash.

0% Introductory APR Credit Card

Certain credit cards extend an initial window (typically 12 to 18 months), exempt from interest charges. Ensuring timely repayment of the credit card balance before this introductory phase concludes is essential to evade interest accrual at the standard rate.

Home Equity Loan

Leverage a home equity loan to access funds by capitalizing on the equity residing in your home. It’s prudent to factor in closing costs, which may vary between 2% and 5% of the loan amount.

It’s essential to grasp the potential risks associated with this option, including the prospect of foreclosure if loan payments are not met.

Cash-Out Refinancing

Should you meet the eligibility criteria, contemplating mortgage refinancing for an amount surpassing your existing loan balance could be advantageous.

The discrepancy between the two amounts can be extracted as cash. This approach facilitates access to a substantial sum if the need arises.

Reverse Mortgage

Tailored to homeowners aged 62 and above, reverse mortgages enable the tapping into your home’s equity.

This avenue offers tax-free income, and the quantum you receive can be substantial, mainly if your mortgage debt is low or your home’s value has appreciated since its acquisition.

Before embarking on any of these alternatives, a thorough assessment of their terms, potential risks, and enduring implications is imperative.

It will equip you with the insight needed to make an educated decision aligning with your financial aspirations.


The duration for initiating a life insurance policy cash-out is contingent on elements such as the policy’s magnitude and intricacy. More compact policies with uncomplicated claims can conclude within several weeks to a few months.

Conversely, substantial policies or those with complexities might necessitate several months or an extended time frame.

Bottlenecks could arise due to internal procedures, incomplete documentation, or supplemental prerequisites.

The process can be facilitated by punctually submitting all obligatory paperwork and sustaining an open line of communication with the insurer.

Engaging the insurance company to glean precise timelines for your situation is advisable.